Unlock Your Healing with Shamanic Drums
Everybody holds the key to their own healing, but sometimes the body needs a little help. The heartbeat rhythm is the first sound we hear and working with this transports our whole being to that moment of creation. Reminding us of our own ability to heal and transform.
Public Group Drum Circles
Drum, Dance, Sing, Let The Magic Begin!

Heart Song Healing Drum Circle
Healing Drum Circle 7:15 - 8:45pm, £10
Sutton Village Hall, 1A High St, SG19 2NE
Join Rosie and I for a fun and laughter filled evening playing hand held drums for our joy and wellbeing.
No experience necessary. You will be guided into free flow drumming, lifting our spirits, releasing tension and bringing happiness to us all. No complicated rhythms to learn or remember, our heartbeat is the most powerful rhythm. Simple, yet stunningly effective.
There will be sweet treats and a chance to connect and chat to others.
Rosie has many years experience of sacred drumming and I have been training in therapeutic drumming for the past year. Gathering together again will be a delight and you will leave feeling buoyed and energised.
If you have your own drum, please do bring it along. If not we have drums and rattles to borrow.
There really isn't anything quite like getting together and playing drums. An opportunity to free your inner child. Lets raise the roof and step into our power!
For More Info:
Email: rosiejsaunders@gmail.com or vibrance-soundexperiences@hotmail.com
Call or text: Rosie 07970994585; Kay 07810032472
(text is often better as we often have our phone on silent with clients)
Exchange, £10, bookable and payable in advance.

Drum Birthing
Join Rosie & Kay in rural Central Bedfordshire for a 1 day workshop birthing your own natural skin shamanic drum in ceremony. You can either join a workshop, book a bespoke 1-1 or create your own drum birthing event with friends.
It is an honour and a privilege to birth your own drum and as such we heal the lives that have been gifted to create such a sacred object. Pledging our commitment to care and protect it with grace and humility.
Together we will create sacred space, Journey connecting and honouring the ethically sourced materials, opening our hearts and setting intentions. If you have your own drum for the drum circle to cleanse and build energy, please do bring it along or we will have some to borrow.
Single Sided Frame Drum - Day Workshop:
You have the option of a 14 or 16 inch, single sided, hand held frame drum and mallet. With an ash, birch or willow hoop and deer hide.
All materials, tools and guidance provided.
Snacks and refreshments provided, please bring your own packed lunch to enable you to pause and eat when right for you during your drum creation.
Suggested timings are:
​10-4pm Drum Making
Group events have an optional evening buffet style supper and drum circle Included. ​
​Deposit of £80 secures your space, total cost 14" Drum £250, 16" Drum £275 per person.